Friday 10 April 2020

Rising up from griefs and tears

Christ is risen! Alleluia!
Risen our victorious head!
Sing his praises! Alleluia!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Gratefully our hearts adore him
as his light once more appears,
bowing down in joy before him,
rising up from griefs and tears.

J.S.B Monsell (1811-1875)

Easter this year has a very different feel. There will be no church services to attend (or to prepare!). Christian worship in all traditions will however continue in other ways. Online services have been put together by many churches and can be freely accessed. Services of worship will be broadcast on television and on the radio. In our increasingly connected world there will be no shortage of ways to celebrate the resurrection. All who choose to connect will have the opportunity to hear the Easter story and to experience the hope it inspires.

As Easter Sunday dawns in 2020 our world of 'griefs and tears' is in much need of hope. As the light of Christ appears our hope is reawakened. He is not dead! He has risen, as he said! God has not abandoned the world he created but reaches out to make all things new. In our uncertain times the  resurrection of Jesus shows us that death does not have the final word. There is light for our darkness, hope in the face of fear. The daily news makes our hearts heavy but the glorious news of the resurrection brings joy.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

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